R & D Activities

  1. Conducted Technical review of proposals submitted for funding under RRF.
  2. Three (3) proposals from MSU were granted financial assistance in the total amount of Php 600,000.00.
  3. Conducted Strategic Planning Workshop on November 26-29, 2012 in GSC.
  4. Crafted the Strategic Plan for CY 2013-2015 and the Action Plan for CY 2013.

Capacity Building Activities

  1. Sent three (3) participants from the member-agencies of HRDC XII to attend the Training on Animal Care and Utilization at UP NIH in September 2012.
  2. Three participants were oriented  and trained by UP NIH applying the  laws that govern the use of animals in research. They became knowledgeable about ethical issues in the conduct of research involving animals which the consortium can now refer to when evaluating proposals.
  3. Sent five (5) participants from HRDC XII to attend the PNHRS Assembly last August 2012 in Manila.
  4. Participants were able to interact with the representatives from other consortia throughout the country. They were also clarified on the operations of the consortium and encouraged them to submit proposals and support activities of the consortium that will redound to their own benefits.

Info-dissemination Activities

  1. Disseminated information for Call of Proposals for submission to HRDC XII
  2. Health researchers submitted capsule proposals to avail of the DOH funding support which was coursed through the PNHRS/PCHRD-DOST.

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